I've always dreamt of being able to do something big & give back to society other than mere living. I don't remember dreaming of many worldly gains and even though this may sound like a 'goody two shoes' claim, all I really ever wanted to be was a humanitarian. Then art entered my life. So I decided to use art as the key to open that door. And it worked. I started painting and initially created a social business where part of the profits would go towards charitable causes. After the first year of business, Little Island Foundation was born.
Little Island Foundation is a not for profit organisation registered in Australia and we mainly focus on the education of children in need. I along with a few kind hearted souls provide scholarships for 13 children from various parts of Sri Lanka for their education.
What do we do?
We have big goals. Our aim is to educate children, empower women & house the strays in an attempt to fight poverty. At present we focus on educating children because we believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and we believe every child deserves the chance to write their own story.
We provide scholarships to underprivileged kids from rural backgrounds to help get them through school. It's a commitment we take seriously in the form of a monthly monetary contribution that covers their basic educational needs and in most cases extra tuition as well.
How long ago was the foundation started?
We are very young. Little Island Foundation was started in March 2021 with supporting just two children. At present we provide scholarships to 13 children.
Where do we operate?
We are based in Melbourne, Australia however all our children are from various parts of Sri Lanka.
Who is the Little Island Foundation?
I (Mekala) am the founder and the main contact behind LIF. My main ally is my mother who is in Sri Lanka and the one who scouts for new children and the first point of contact for all the children and their parents/guardians. I also have a few other trusty allies who check up on the kids and their school attendance and exam results. So we know everyone stays on track. We are also strengthened by a few generous people who have put their hands up to take on sponsorship roles.
Can you donate to our cause?
This is a question we get asked a fair bit and we are very grateful for that. In our attempt to keep the foundation self sustainable and not rely solely on the goodness of others, we do not accept one-off donations at the moment. However, as we grow and take on more projects we plan to open up to donations and fundraising on our behalf. But there are other ways you can help us now.
How can you help?
Buy my art which guarantees the continuous support for the children in our foundation.
Follow us on social media, like, comment and share. @mekalarodrigo_art @littleislandfoundation
Share our website, our story & spread the word with your family, friends and your work colleagues.
Gift our creations when it comes to birthdays, christmas and other times you feel generous.
Reach out if you are interested in sponsoring the education of a child in need or joining one of our one-off projects.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved please email us at info.littleislandfoundation@gmail.com